Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Giving Birth to a Blog

Holy sh*t I am proud of myself.

I have been sitting on this idea for about a year now, and on this mild, overcast, "Hump" day, I took the faithful leap. Why did it take me an entire year to make a pink-themed blog with a damn witty title? Because I was waiting for the right time. I would say I had some decent material, such as a trip to Bali (that really could have gone better), getting accepted onto the Bachelor Canada, and becoming a (then) single, dog-mom of one. But nope, I was set on waiting for the right time. I have since learned that creating a blog is probably pretty similar to having your first human baby. I don't imagine that there is ever a "right time" for that. I think people just slip up eventually and are like, "alright, I guess we are doing this." HONESTLY I couldn't think of a better analogy for starting my own blog.

So where do we go from there? Naturally, right into a paragraph about how I ate my entire lunch at 10:00 am this morning  how I GAVE UP on watching the entire Bachelor franchise forever, this week. Now this wasn't at all a New Years resolution, but after putting some thought into it, this epiphany I had was much more important than the "drink more water" and "be more thoughtful" resolutions that I previously settled on (not actually). I have been slowly but surely falling out of love with the Bachelor, and the Bachelor Canada over the past year for a slew of reasons.

I always told myself that auditioning for the show would not ruin my favourite guilty pleasure, and I wish I could explain why it did, but I signed that silly piece of paper called a "Non-disclosure Agreement".  I know you all are shocked that I am honouring that, but it is simply just a tease. I'll illegally share all the details in a couple weeks once I know more people are reading. If you are gunna break the law, you gotta make sure lots of people are watching. Cool points. 

Side note: Real friggin' content with my decision to ghost the entire casting and production team one week before filming because Chris the Bachelor was a cloned version of my brother, Jake.  Not only would it have been weird vying for the love of someone who could have possibly been one of my siblings separated at birth, but he had major commitment issues and a questionable side-body tattoo.

But on a more important and relatable note, what the fuck is Ari doing as the Bachelor right now? I am not even sure if Ari is the issue here or if the girls ABC picked for him is really erking (that's a word right?) me right now. I couldn't say a single, bad thing about any of the ladies on there, since they are all gorgeous, but why did a 22 year old apply and get casted for a 36 year old Bachelor? Lady, you are signing up for an early enterance into old person things! Like Ovaltine, Goldbond cream and Boost Shakes. Bless your soul.

Also, reason 3 of 6835 of why I am done with that reality franchise is that I am really just ready for my own Teami blends endorsement on Instagram. Now, I did order that tea, shortly after the Teen Mom's started their sponsorships, and it definitely tastes like dirt and dyed my teeth brown, but I feel like you have really made it in life if you have an Instagram Tea endorsement. I physically, mentally and emotionally can't handle the jealousy from that anymore, so I am done.

Anyways, I should probably start my reading for my sociology class that starts in about 6 minutes instead of working myself up like I already have.

Stay tuned for my next post about how I need at least 11 hours of sleep or I can't function  about something else floating around in this brilliant brain of mine.

Rachel ❤️

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